Saturday, January 30, 2010


I've had my froggy, Petrie, for about 8 months now, and I never get tired of seeing his cute little froggy face.  
All I have to do is tap on the lid to the aquarium and he bobs to the surface, ready and eager for a bite to eat.  It doesn't matter how many times a day I do this, he reacts the same way every time.  If I would allow it, he'd be the size of a bullfrog by now and would have eaten us out of house and home.  

He doesn't have teeth, so it's especially entertaining to put my finger in the water and have him jump up out of it like a bass after a fisherman's fly.  He latches onto my finger with jaws of steel, and then releases, plopping back into the water.  He will do this as long as I stand there.
This plastic flower is one of his favorite "toys".  I had it securely rooted in the rocks at the bottom of the aquarium, but one day it came loose and drifted to the top.  Petrie discovered how much fun it can be to swim into it and cause it to swirl around.  I just left it floating in the water.  I couldn't take away something that brought him so much pleasure and makes me laugh out loud at him. 

He gets wildly active at times, zipping around the aquarium and bouncing off the glass walls.  Our three lovely large snails routinely get bumped into and sink to the bottom of the tank.  Then they restart their trek to the top of the aquarium until they get slammed into by Petrie once again.  It happens repeatedly.  

Petrie is a delight and has an amazingly big personality for something so little.  He never fails to bring a smile to my face, even on the roughest of days.

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