Saturday, March 31, 2012

Spring Fever...

This weather is GORGEOUS.  I told Kyle that I don't remember a March as beautiful as this one has been.  Although we need the moisture of snow (which is set to return Monday), I can't help but love these temps we have had lately.  Yesterday Kyle and I went to Boulder to see the surgeon and get the last of my stitches out (hurray!) and we enjoyed lunch on the patio.  I had a black long sleeved shirt on and I felt like I was baking in the 80 degree sun, despite my hat and shades. 
Even though I was too toasty, sitting in the sun felt divine.  Loved the warmth, the breeze, the busyness of the Old Town area.  It appeared that the Boulder kiddos were on Spring Break, and the Into the Wind kite shop across the street was packed!  Kyle and I got a kite to try out when we go to his father's for Easter next weekend.  It just felt great to be able to take our time and enjoy the great weather. 

Kyle is outside doing yard work today and it's already looking wonderful in the back yard.  Four of our daffodils out front have bloomed, the hyacinth are on the verge and many more (tulips, maybe?) are on the brink.  Can't wait to plant pansies in my front rail boxes, but that will be closer to the end of April.  After all, it IS Wyoming and we'll likely get a blizzard or even two before the end of winter.  

Spring makes me want to CLEAN, and the fact that Kyle is getting so much done makes it even worse that I am not cleared for housework yet.  Just light tasks.  No vacuuming, though.  I asked, and was told another 10 to 14 days.  Yipes!  How is that possible?  It feels like it's been months but really it's been 16 days.  I want to ride my bike, too!

I'm excited about the nicer weather to get some weight off.  I have gained some substantial pounds over winter and I would love to start working them off.  I'm participating in the Step Up Cheyenne program and am super excited about the added support I will get from it.  I definitely need motivation!  

Spring is my absolute favorite season.  Lilacs are my favorite flower, and will be here in a month or two.  I adore those days in the hammock with a book or my Nook and my puppies.  The depression I feel in the shortening days of October finally dwindle away as the days lengthen.  Riding my bike I feel like a carefree kid for at least an hour or so.  Meeting a friend in the park is a great way to pass the morning.  A picnic to the mountains with Kyle is a favorite way to spend the Memorial Weekend in May.  I guess I like spring because it lets me blossom, too.

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