Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Operating at Full Capacity...

Tired but happy and healthy-er.

Not only did I recently undergo surgery, but I also had a sleep study in mid February.  The immediate results confirmed my belief that I did not in fact have sleep apnea.  Other indicators showed that I was waking up many, many times a night which was preventing me from reaching deep, REM sleep.  

Yesterday I finally saw the physician that interprets the sleep study results.  I have a type of restless leg syndrome, which is a disorder that makes your legs feel like they need to move, and usually occurs when one is trying to sleep.  Causes range from lack of iron, diabetes, pregnancy and withdrawal.  It's probably a side effect of the medication Seroquel, which I take for mood stability and sleep.  So ironically, the one medication that has effectively helped me sleep is also preventing me from sleeping.  But looking at recent bloodwork, my ferritin, serum level (a measure of iron), is low.  Mine is a SIX and it should be at least FIFTY.  

I will start taking an iron supplement immediately, as well as melatonin to try to regulate my hypothalamus and also help with sleep.  The sleep doctor also will recommend a low dose of a an anti-anxiety drug that can help relax the body ahead of time so that I can be still when it's time to sleep.  But he's making that recommendation to my psychiatrist in order to leave my psychiatrist as the main person mixing and matching my meds. 

I am assuming that when I recover from this surgery in a couple of months, and get the melatonin and iron going to aid me in getting a good night's rest, that I will have a lot more energy and passion.  At some point, I'm bound to start feeling better.  And hopefully, at some point, with a lot less pharmaceutical intervention!  But I'll take it in whatever form I can get it!


  1. Mom has that too! Are you girls long lost twins?!?!

    1. Lol. I would rather we had cooler things in common!
