Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Project Life Title Page and Weeks 1-2

I was held up on getting my Project Life post because I had to wait for the ink to arrive for my printer.  I'm all caught up now, so here's a peek at my title page and weeks 1 and 2.

For the title page I stamped and embossed our last name and the year.  I used white embossing powder.  I wanted it to pop a bit more, so after I applied heat to the embossing powder I outlined the letters and numbers with a black fine point pen.  I punched the butterflies with my Martha Stewart punch, and I added flower and swirl brads to fancy it up.  I used a 6x12 page protector.
A closer look at the embossing, brads, and outline of the letters.
For the backside, I included my favorite picture from this last summer when we went to Vegas.  I stamped our initials and used a tag to show our wedding date. 
Some heart brads hold the tag onto the cardstock.
A closer look.

Next up was a layout describing the basics about who are included in this Project Life project.  There are pictures of Kyle, me, Pip, Dobby, and Spike.  I also journaled our ages, places of employment, and our 2012 goals.
The first week's layout.
This page included a picture of Kyle while we waited for an appointment, a gift card from a friend, packaging from a cocoa mix, a coaster from a pub where we lunched, and a picture of my mug of cocoa.
The opposite page has a photo of our tissues being strung throughout the living room by Dobby or Pip, a photo of Kyle's place of employment, a wallet card from Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University, a tag from a shirt I bought, the sign showing how far it is to Cheyenne, and our mail  in the box. 

The first page of Week 2
Includes a picture of Pip sunning, the back of the tag from the previous page, a photo of my favorite chocolate, a photo of the prairie and MPH sign, and a photo of an awesome mural on a downtown business building. 

The second page for week 2 shows the snow we got, Pip relaxing, packaging from my favorite chocolate, a 30 minute parking sign at the doctor's office, a tag from a throw pillow, a picture of both dogs together and a picture of my god daughter with her new dog.

I'm having a LOT of fun with this - it's simple but I get to embellish it as much as I want.  Going to look around at other Projects and see what inspiration I find.

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