Tuesday, December 27, 2011

A Little Update...

Dear Reader, I have not been so great at updating my blog lately, but I vow to do better.  I have a million and one excuses for my recent absence but it all boils down to lack of motivation and preoccupation with other items on my plate.  Here is a brief list of updates.  I will be elaborating more on each of these points in future blogs. 
  • I'm jumping on the 2012 Project Life bandwagon to document a year in our life.  I'll be using the Cobalt kit. 
  • I switched to a new psychiatrist to try to find a better treatment for the bipolar disorder.  New Doc assures me we WILL find the magic cocktail that will treat it and the connected issues, but he suggests it may take 1 to 2 years.  This means more med changes are ahead for me.  Some of these will be very difficult transitions, as some meds I am on have awful withdrawal symptoms.  I shall try to be a patient patient and remain open-minded.  I will be attempting to document this process as best I am able.
  •  I will finally get some pictures of our home up to show the new floors, picture walls and paint.  This will be sometime after I get the holiday decor down. 
  • I still need to do a post to wrap up my 30 before 30 AND create my 40 before 40 list. 
I'm struggling with depression big time as this year wraps up, and trying to keep my chin up and eyes on the absolutely wonderful gifts life shows to me daily.  I really have no reason to be depressed, as life is not too shabby.  That's the nature of the illness, though - it can really beat me down, even when I have little to complain about.  Those are the hardest times for me.  I could rant and rave about how crummy life is if I was handed horrible experiences.  It's hard to understand where depression comes from when I have much to be grateful for.  It's a reminder to me how unreliable this illness is, and how important it is to have my support network of doctors, therapists, family and friends, because my world can turn upside down with relatively little reason.  I don't mean to complain, but rather paint the realistic picture of what life is like with a mood disorder.  More on all of this as we begin 2012.  Have a fabulous last week of 2011 and may your New Year be the best yet!

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