Friday, May 13, 2011

And Then There Were Four...Again

Our completed family.

My blog that I posted yesterday disappeared after this site had some issues yesterday, so I will do my best to recap.  Two weeks ago we added another chihuahua to our family.  There are four of us now, and I have to admit, I'm significantly overwhelmed by the new responsibility.  Don't get me wrong, it is a great deal of enjoyment watching the two of them wrestle and play tug-of-war with a string cheese wrapper.  It's good to know that they have companionship when Kyle and I are both out of the house at the same time.  But I'm a bit surprised by how much I am struggling to adjust to our new normal. 

I suppose I feel a little grief over the loss of what was relatively peaceful for me.  Dobby is much more active than Pip was as a puppy, and he barks far more often and more shrilly than Pip ever has.  He growls and barks at me when I fail to make eye contact or if I haven't paid him enough attention.  He harasses Pip until Pip finally retires to the living room and climbs up on the back of the couch where he is out of reach of Dobby - at least for now.  Unlike Pip, Dobby gets into everything, chews on everything, and then there's the whole issue of potty training - something that I've not quite accomplished with Pip but am now trying with both of them.  

I miss it just being Pip and me.  I miss having Pip sleep on my hip all night, providing a tiny bit of warmth and feeling his heartbeat in a soothing pattern.  If I try to hug and cuddle Pip, Dobby is barking and nipping at me wanting to be held.  If I hold Dobby then Pip feels left out.  I'm sure it's much like the addition of a second child to a family.  I already have Mother's guilt!  (I'm thinking more and more of the beauties of having an only child).  I can't be everything to everyone.  Part of it is my perfectionist nature, and I have to continually remind myself that my best is good enough.  Oh, how I wish I could learn that in my core. 

I'm sure it will just take time, as any significant change in our lives does.  And all change brings a bit of grief with it, even if it doesn't seem like that big of deal.  I'm learning to just feel the feelings. Yeah, it's uncomfortable, and yes, I sure don't like feeling the heaviness in my heart, but it's natural.  For now, I'll focus on the positive aspects and try to acknowledge but move past the difficulties.

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