Thursday, May 12, 2011

And Then There Were Four...

Our complete family.

It's been too long since I last wrote on my blog, but life has been a little busier lately and I have had a little less motivation than usual.  The combination of the two makes it almost impossible for me to accomplish anything right now. 

I'm having a hard time getting used to being the mother of an additional baby chihuahua.  Pip was a tranquil puppy.  He rarely chewed on anything, never barked unless the doorbell rang, and was relatively easy to keep happy.  Dobby, however, is 100% puppy.   He chews on everything, barks if I won't give him eye contact, barks if I don't pick him up when he decides it is time, and continuously pounces on Pip growling the whole while.  

When Kyle suggested we get Pip a friend, I was all for the idea of Pip having a playmate.  A part of me resisted, though.  Pip was my baby - my first born.  How would I love another puppy the way I love him?  Of course, it's like having a second child after doting on the first child for so long.  I wanted Pip to be more active and have someone to keep him company when we are gone, so we got Dobby. 

Dobby is precious.  He sleeps like a rock.  His tail never stops.  His droopy eyes are adorable.  He's fitting right into the family.  I am still struggling, though.  I feel like I can't give them the attention they both need.  I miss the quiet, snuggly times with Pip because Dobby is always busting in on our quiet time.  I miss sleeping with Pip and feeling his warm body curled up on my hip and his little heart beat lulling me to sleep.  I miss the ease of life with one dog.  I wouldn't have imagined I would have this reaction to this addition to our household, but I'm honestly a bit overwhelmed with my obligation to both animals.

At the end of the day, though, when they are playing and wrestling and running in circles, it's contentment that I feel.  I have to let go of the perfectionist in me that keeps telling me I am not good enough, I am not doing enough.  It's a very eye-opening experience and makes me consider whether biological children of the human kind will be possible for me.  We may have just an only child....

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