Tuesday, September 6, 2011


I'm in love with making my home pleasant, beautiful and homey.  Kyle bought our house right before we met.  In fact, it was how we met.  We've been living in this home for five years together and slowly making it "ours".  This is probably the longest I've ever lived in one house, and I love the idea of making it ours and enjoying it for the rest of our lives.  It's a modest home.  It has three bedrooms.  Our master bedroom is in the basement.  The two bedrooms upstairs are going to be Kyle's craft studio/office and my craft room/writing studio.  His is painted teal and mine is painted lavender.  Those rooms have been redone by me previously.  The kitchen has been redone by me, and besides the addition of a pantry and island, is finished.  The basement was remodeled thanks to the great basement flooding of last September.  So this project will pretty much complete major household repairs except for the sunroom.

I am presently stripping out all the old wallpaper in preparation for painting with Benjamin Moore's Coventry Gray.  With white trim, this color us uber warm and absolutely lovely. 

Usually I love every step of the remodel process.  However, this wallpaper is really tough to remove and I have been stripping wallpaper every day since Saturday.  The wallpaper is EVERYWHERE throughout the house.  It's been painted over THROUGHOUT the house.  Then, it appears that some areas have THREE layers of wallpaper.  And although retro-adorable, it's become the bane of my existence.  

I know this is going to be worth it in the end, but this wallpaper removal has been a nightmare.  Basically, counting the three layers and the plaster and paint I've got about five layers to get through.  My arms are pooped.  Even the smelly chemical peelers haven't helped a great deal.  I really, really, really hope to be done with the wallpaper tomorrow.  Then I can start the part I really enjoy - painting.  

When the painting is done, carpeting will be ripped out.  Some hardwood exists in some areas, but because this home has had several additions over the years, it is not certain where the hardwood begins and ends until the removal of carpet.  Because we're pretty certain there are some areas of no decent flooring, we had it measured today and we are probably going to have a pergo floor installed.  I am leaning towards this walnut shade from Home Depot:
After the paint is dry and the floor is installed comes the super fun part - decorating and organizing!  This will be another post.  For now, know that I have a redone entryway in the works (since we have no mudroom).  A picture wall (or two?) and some crown molding will make it all even sweeter.  Let's just hope this is all done before next year!

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