Thursday, April 21, 2016

Another year has come and gone...

I've been quite lazy when it comes to posting on the blog.  I use up all my words and brain power writing discussion posts and papers for grad school, so by the time I'm done I feel like curling up and crying crafting.  My latest obsession, and another reason why I haven't written is that I've fallen in love.  With coloring.  I know, it's supposed to be for kids, right?  But it actually has done me sooooo much good! I got hooked upon learning about Johanna Basford's books.  She has two new ones coming out this year - one is a Magical Jungle book and the other is a Christmas book.  You may not hear from me until 2020 or so.  It really helps me relax and simmer down before bed.  I've also gotten very excited about learning coloring techniques.  I've done lots of crafting in my time, but never much with drawing or coloring because I thought I was terrible.  But then the Internet arrived, along with instructional videos of every kind, and ta-da!  I became an artist (at least, in my own mind, and in Pip's).

So when I'm not coloring, I'm studying.  I'm about halfway through my Masters in Clinical Mental Health Counseling.  I love the content of the courses, but I'm dreading having to grow outside of my comfort zone and be the counselor someday.  Does that make ANY sense?  I know it will be the right fit if I ever get over my insecurity.  My internship should be in Summer and Fall of 2017.  Then I will graduate!  Whew.  I really hope to settle into a practice that is very general to meet the diverse needs of clients in WY.  We have such high suicide rates here, and I truly believe that every little bit of intervention helps prevent suicide and help people live fuller lives.  I also really hope to get back to leading support groups and to start some psychotherapy groups for people with mood disorders.  In August I will attend my second Residency for a week in Dallas, where I will put my group counseling skills to work during practice sessions.  

Nothing is really new with either of these two.  They just sleep a lot.  Pip always wants to be in my lap, which is difficult when there's already a textbook there (and sometimes, if we're being honest, a bowl of popcorn).  They think they are the neighborhood watch for our street.  They also think it is their job to growl endlessly at the chihuahua across the street (whose name we are uncertain of, but believe it to be either Taco, Nacho, or Diego, any of which are entirely appropriate for a tiny dog of Mexican descent).

Kyle is doing well, and we are planning a vacation to Mt. St. Helens and Oregon in mid-September.  We are both incredibly excited about the adventure.  I can't wait to see the ocean and tide-pools. I also can't wait to see my fifth grade teacher (who is super, wonderful, amazing, caring, supportive times a trillion, and one of the main reasons I love books and writing so much).  I also get to see my beloved Aunt Loretta.  It should be the perfect road trip.

Oh, speaking of road trip, have you seen this ad?

Well, that's pretty much Kyle and me when we are driving.  Kyle likes to take us on, as he calls, "bonus treks" or "scenic detours".  Meanwhile, I have the map in hand and two map apps, but somehow we end up going miles out of the way because he has a "sense" of where we need to go.  But hey, if it means spending more time with him listening to my road trip playlist, I'm all for it.

Last year we went on a spectacular hot air balloon ride (Kyle's Bucket List) and we didn't die (my bucket list).  We also spent an amazing weekend in Denver for my birthday where I got to see The Book of Mormon, which was one of the most irreverent, hilarious, and slightly shocking things I will ever see.  It was SUCH an spectacular show.

So far this year I have witnessed my beloved Peyton win the Super Bowl and then retire.  I joined a secret society (which I would LOVE to tell you about, but unfortunately, it's a secret).  I saw a former US President give a speech.  Sadly, I did not achieve the apparently impossible task of obtaining Adele tickets for her Denver concert, but I'm assured that there are many others like me.  Also, I'm still waiting for G. Clooney's marriage proposal, but I think he has some unfinished business elsewhere to attend to before he pops the question and gives me a ring.

So, that about wraps it up.  Hope you all are doing super.  Drop me a Facebook note or email.  I would love to hear from you.  :)