Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Being Grateful...

Lots of change is happening for me lately and most of it is very positive.  That doesn’t mean it isn’t difficult, though!  The biggest change for me has been going back to school.  A year ago, I wouldn’t have dreamed of being in school again.  I couldn’t read a book for fun, let alone comprehend big picture concepts from a complicated text.  Now I’ve completed the first quarter of my Clinical Mental Health Counseling degree program, and I did very well.  Much better than I had hoped!  I was so worried and didn’t think I could do it, but I did.  It feels really amazing to accomplish what’s important, but even more so when it’s something that I feared was unattainable. I was so worried about what it would mean if I couldn’t do this.  I am very grateful that I didn’t have to confront that.

Sometimes when life goes really well, I worry more about it unraveling than I do when it actually starts to turn bad.  Part of me knows that is a waste of time, and that I’m ruining the good with the “what ifs”, but it’s hard not to do it.  Right now everything seems to be going in the right direction.  I’m excited about my courses that start December 1st.  I’m looking forward to the holidays, which was not the case last year.  Kyle and I have a vacation planned in January and are excited about getting away together.  My mood disorder seems to be fairly well managed and my medications are being tweaked with only minor adjustments rather than broad changes. 

I recently had a conversation with someone about how measuring my current success is all relative to remembering where I was last year.  I find it hard to describe how difficult 2013 was for Kyle and me, and my mind is not yet where I want it to be.  I would love to see even more improvement in my moods, and I would especially love to see some improvement in my memory and cognitive functioning.  However, relative to where I was in 2013, when I was hospitalized four times, had a delusional episode, had a car accident that totaled my car, lost my driver’s license, could not answer simple questions such as “who is the president?”, and had up to thrice weekly ECT treatments, 2014 has been a lot brighter!  It’s a bit of a cliché, but I’ve come a long way!  I really have.  And to bemoan the fact that I’m not where I would like to be would rob me of the gratitude I have for how far I have come. 

Being back in school and learning, and being able to apply that knowledge, is my greatest achievement.  Knowing who the President is comes close, though.  Getting my driver’s license back was essential in feeling capable and independent again, and it’s been freeing (but a bit nerve-wracking!) to be behind the wheel again.  Being a partner to my husband again, instead of someone who is more of a child who needs to be taken care of, has also been helpful in reviving my sense of purpose and lifting my depression. 

I have more work ahead, especially in the area of reestablishing an identity after the loss of mine last year.  I’m starting to rebuild it, though, and discovering that some of the passions I had before remain important to me.  That comforts me and leads me to believe that I don’t have to completely reinvent myself.  It will just take some work to reestablish who I am and who I have become in light of the events of the last few years.