Thursday, August 30, 2012

What Do You Do When You're Anxious?

Do you have any routine you fall back on when you are trying to occupy your mind and keep it from hyper-focusing on an issue?  

Historically I've managed anxiety poorly, but I'm currently surprising myself with at least reigning my anxiety in and not letting it carry me away.  This is especially good news since I am not currently medicated for my anxiety disorder!  

It has NOT been easy, and my obsessiveness annoys even me, but there sometimes is SOME productivity that comes out of this.  For example, anxious about my interview tomorrow AND preparing for company on Saturday meant I needed to channel my anxiety into doing something productive that would distract me from my interview but get something accomplished towards having company on Saturday.  

One of my go-to pass-times for a situation like this is to organize and clean!  So today, I tackled my fridge.  It has needed some attention for quite some time, and since we're about to stock it with yummy foods for the get-together, now seemed like a perfect time to clean it from top to bottom.  Also, being the day before payday, it was pathetically empty.  Emptier even, perhaps, than Old Mother Hubbard's cupboard. I went through and tossed anything expired or questionable, like old dressings and ketchup.  That left approximately six things:  A plastic bottle of Snapple tea, some milk, a chunk of parmesan, some assorted hot sauces and some margarine.  Those things I placed in a cooler for a bit, and then I pulled out the two bottom drawers, the door shelves and the main interior shelves.  

I scrubbed the inside with diluted vinegar.  Scrubbing is good for the soul, I tell you!  I took all my anxieties and pent up aggressions out on all those little stuck on blobbies of food.  Then I washed all the shelves and drawers and door shelves in the sink with regular dishwashing soap.  
I didn't take a "before" picture.  It would have been slightly embarrassing, AND I wasn't awake enough yet to think that far ahead since it was before noon.  I don't fully function until about 12:01 pm most days.  But HERE is a terrible shot of my "after". 

It always feels great to cross something off my to-do list AND have something clean and organized.  A win-win situation!